May 30, 2005 -- Honorable Mention -- ... Log Out | Topics | Search
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Board Administrator
Username: mjm

Post Number: 3266
Registered: 11-1998
Posted on Thursday, July 07, 2005 - 9:30 pm:   Edit Post Delete Post View Post/Check IP Print Post    Move Post (Moderator/Admin Only)

Honorable Mention
Cain and Abel
Jim Doss

As I step from the doorway he is there,
mid-summer tan at the start of spring,
hair and beard black as night in the trees.

Like a specter he hovers by a trashcan
showing me his chewed-off hands. Blood
runs from the corners of his mouth.

He does not know what is real and what
is invented; if the stumps he waves
at the many passersby have fingers,

tendons, and bones, can grasp and reach,
raise food to his mouth. And I do not know
if he is real or imagined, or if he understands

the harm he has inflicted on himself.
In ignorance the voices descend upon him
like crows to peck out his eyes, rip

the question marks from his ears, sit on his shoulders
screeching like nameless angels or daemons.
His own voice cannot talk over them no matter

how fast the incantations flow from his lips,
how loudly his words rise to roost on rooftops
to join the chorus that mocks him. I can’t see

the shower of agony that descends to claw
at his consciousness. I can’t lift the pain
that covers his creation like a blood-stained rock.

When did he cleave from me? From which
rib was he formed with dust and spit?
Did the same hand that made me make him?

He is eating in the morning light, eating something
that he has found, or part of himself
or the landscape around him. I am supposed

to watch his every move without looking away
in revulsion. I am to absorb every detail
in the cliff of his face, every expression

that rises and falls in the back drafts,
every hawk of emotion that soars to disappear.
Inside this cathedral of air that separates us

is a paradise we both inhabit like planets
spinning around separate suns, each
populated by their own civilizations.

Not the paradise of the first man,
but the last where we must again learn
how to take comfort in one another.

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